drum more german . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . cedarfluteframedrummore. . .. . . .. . . . shop


galerie 1

Totem galerie saddle galleries

Flute equiments

AndereFlöten galerie Totem Geburtstags Floeten

Besitzer Echos Andere Floeten

Floeten Echos


Mass commodity? my flutes are not.
They are handmade and individually carved. I used high-quality red Cedar wood. This is fungus and mold resistant by the included essential oils. I give to each flutes delivery - Flute care-oil, smudged/smolder utensils and a small informative booklet with fingering chart.
Now - on left you have the opportunity
to see different models at the flute gallery.
There is also a gallery with carved flutes and riders.
Equipment - things araound the flute.
A gallery of totem power animals or birthday flutes.
Other - there´s my flutes in other materials and designs
and finally echos of cedarflute owners.

floeten auswahl history cedarsound contact Models handcraft